Dr Richie Moule talking to the patient in a dentist chair smiling


Clayfield Dental Centre provides a full range of general dental services. These include:

  • consultations and diagnostic services,

  • preventative care,

  • emergency trauma management,

  • pain diagnosis and management,

  • restorative treatments,

  • prosthodontics (fixed and removable),

  • orthodontics,

  • oral surgery including dental implants,

  • surgical and nonsurgical endodontics,

  • surgical and non-surgical periodontal treatments,

  • sleep appliances for snoring & sleep apnea and

  • digital treatments (clear aligner orthodontics, digital prosthodontics etc).

General Dental/Preventative dental

Examination, Clean, Scale, dental maintenance, Gum disease, decay, X-rays

We are a full service dental practice that is passionate about delivering honest, educational and professional dentistry so that you can feel confident that your teeth are in the best condition they can be.

We only get one set of adult teeth and we want them to see us through our life time.

When you come in for a dental checkup, Dr Richie is not only looking at your teeth but rather what is happening in the mouth, the tissue around the mouth, gums, palate and tongue.

Regular check ups ensure any abnormalities are discovered early. The earlier the intervention the least invasive the treatment will likely be.

  • • Checking the teeth for decay, cracks, erosion, or defects

    • Checking the health of the gums and supporting bone levels

    • Checking the positioning of the teeth and bite

    • X-rays to check in between the teeth, underneath existing dental treatment, bone levels and any pathology (usually taken every 12 to 24 months depending on your oral health needs.)

    • Oral cancer screening of the soft and hard tissues

    • Health of the jaw muscles and joints

    • Saliva assessment

    • Diet analysis

    • A personalised oral hygiene routine

  • Everyone

  • Please contact us for any pricing queries.

    If you are a member of a private health fund and we can apply for health fund rebates at the end of treatment via HiCAPs instant claims.

Aesthetic and rehabilitation treatments (Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Bridges)

Rehabilitation of the worn dentition, implants, crowns, veneers and bridges.

Dental implants are used in specific cases where a tooth or teeth might be missing. Implants can be inserted to match the existing teeth and give you back a full smile and chewing ability in some cases.

Bridges are another option in particular areas that may have teeth missing but have good support from teeth around the missing site and usually do not require surgery.

A crown is like a crash helmet for a tooth when the natural enamel is no longer supporting the tooth. i.e teeth that are heavily filled, worn or cracked. It protects, strengthens and improves the longevity of the tooth functionally and aesthetically.

Composite build-ups of teeth are another option for teeth that have worn, chips and discolouration. Dr Richie is very experienced in complex build up treatments and can give guidance on this type of Aesthetic option.

  • Do you have a specific concern about your smile such as a missing tooth/teeth or teeth that require further support and protection or repair?

    Dr Richie has been placing and restoring implants over the past 10 years and is highly skilled in crowns, bridges and other rehabilitative treatments such as building up teeth with white filling material.

  • Each treatment is dependant on the individuals needs. A consultation with Dr Richie would be required to explore all options possible and an individual treatment plan would be created for you.

Pain diagnosis and Root Canal treatment

Emergency appointments, Toothaches, fillings, root canal treatments

If you have a tooth that is giving you pain and discomfort it is really important to have it investigated. In some cases examination and X-rays may identify issues that lay dormant or infections that cannot be seen by the eye.

Sensitivity to hot and cold, pain when chewing and biting are all signs of a tooth having difficulty.

It is important not to ignore pain or discomfort in your mouth.

Teeth will generally be trying to tell you something even if pain comes and goes. Cracks and breaks and infections will not fix themselves and will only get worse, usually at the most inconvenient time for you.

Root Canal treatment is when a tooth is needing to be saved but the root of the tooth has been damaged or infected.

Often no pain is experienced however the tooth may be discoloured or signs on the gum may appear to indicate an infection.

Infections can be dormant for years but can escalate quickly and can impact your general health. Removing the infection is important at the first stage and then cleaning and filling of the nerve canal. Finally the tooth is then sealed.

  • Anyone in pain or discomfort and/or experiencing sensitivity.

  • An examination and Xray of the tooth would determine if a filling or another treatment option such as a root canal is required and at that point an accurate quote can be provided.

    Please contact us to discuss, we will try to find a suitable time to check what might be happening for you.

Digital Dentistry

Digital Orthodontic treatments - clear aligner treatments, splints, crowns.

Using latest 3D digital scan technology we can create rendered images of the teeth and create treatment plans for teeth alignment, splints and crowns.

In a lot of cases we can do away with the sticky impression material that is often required.

Clear aligners are thin clear retainers that are used to move teeth.

They are discreet and almost invisible in appearance.

A series of these custom made aligners is created for both top and bottom teeth to move them into the ideal position.

Digital scans can also aid the creation of splints for people who need intervention

for grinding and clenching their teeth and also creating crowns for teeth that require a crown avoiding the need for impressions.

Digitally constructed splints are 3D printed using a laser sintered Nylon for toughness and wear resistance.

  • If you are wanting to correct orthodontic relapse or have never had braces but would be interested in straightening your teeth then digital orthodontic treatments may be suitable for you, or if you are requiring a splint or crown.

  • Pricing for clear aligners really depends on the amount of movements required and length of treatment required to move the teeth into their ideal position. Dr Richie will do a consultation first to check if you are a suitable candidate for clear aligners and an individual treatment plan is then created. Crowns and splints are also options that are suitable for particular cases and pricing varies.


Our Process


Diagnosis and discussion

We will check your teeth thoroughly and individually; images of your teeth may be taken as we assess your oral health needs and desires and discuss this with you and formulate a plan.



We will treat any urgent issues or desires and clean the teeth to ensure your oral health is on track.


Active maintenance

Regular reviews, checks and cleans to ensure your smile is maintained for the long term.

take the next step

be proactive in your own health outcomes!