Dr Richie Moule in front of Clayfield Dental Centre Smiling


You may be just wanting to regularly clean and have a general checkup to ensure a preventative approach to your teeth or you may have concerns about your teeth. Whatever you need, we are here to assist even if you are unsure.


  • You can call us and leave a message, you can also email us at reception@clayfielddental.com.au

    As we are a small family operated business, we are often in the clinic attending to patients. Rest assured we will get your message and will reply as soon as possible.

  • Here at Clayfield Dental we pride ourselves on delivering a calm, friendly environment where you are free to discuss any dental questions and concerns. Your dentist will spend the time needed with you, gathering, and providing you with the answers/firsthand information you are seeking.

    We offer a non-judgmental, informative environment and our main goal is to perform quality, lasting treatment to maintain and improve your dental health.

  • Health is the most important asset we have and your Oral Health is directly linked to your overall health.

    When it comes to oral diseases, it's important to understand that they can exist pain free. There is not a single Oral disease that will heal without dental intervention. If you suspect you have a dental problem, it will most certainly get worse with time.

    Regular dental checks ensure areas of concern are discovered early allowing for the best disease management. Dental disease management and prevention are necessary for optimal health.

  • At your first appointment you will have the opportunity to discuss your teeth and any concerns you may have regarding your overall oral health, needs, wants and desires.

    Your friendly dentist will complete a thorough check of your teeth. Photos will be taken of the inside of your mouth to show and discuss with you. Seeing and understanding what’s happening in your mouth empowers you to make well informed decisions on treatment that is best for you.

    X-rays may also be suggested at this appointment. Dental X-rays are a valuable diagnostic tool that provide information about your mouth that can’t be obtained any other way. This is the most comprehensive way to assess the teeth.

    Your first check up at Clayfield dental is an opportunity to learn about all that is going on in your mouth and to have your treatment options discussed by a supportive and professional dental team.

    For information on cost, please contact our office and we will gladly provide you with an estimate.

  • Some of the things included in a routine dental examination with Dr Richie include:

    • Checking the teeth for decay, cracks, erosion, or defects
    • Checking the health of the gums and supporting bone levels
    • Checking the positioning of the teeth and bite
    • X-rays to check in between the teeth, underneath existing dental treatment, bone levels and any pathology (usually taken every 12 to 24 months)
    • Oral cancer screening of the soft and hard tissues
    • Health of the jaw muscles and joints
    • Saliva assessment
    • Diet analysis
    • A personalised oral hygiene routine

  • Fluoride treatments are something we recommend based on your individual risk profile. Fluoride is a natural occurring mineral in the correct dosage and administration that penetrates the tooth surface and strengthens the enamel.

    Fluoride treatments are used to prevent decay and reverse early demineralization, help sensitivity, and kill bacteria.

    At Clayfield dental we use the most up to date fluoride treatment based on the latest research.

  • Radiographs show us what can’t be seen with the naked eye – in between the teeth, around the roots and crowns of teeth, the supporting bone levels and any abnormalities.

    Radiographs allow for areas that may need intervention to be diagnosed, including decay or gum disease. Dental radiographs are routinely taken every 2 years but may be required more frequently depending on your oral health risk. Sometimes your dentist may request other types of x-rays to search for missing teeth such as an OPG or high-definition scans for assessment of an individual tooth in 3D or bone assessment prior to some major dental treatments.

  • It is important not to ignore pain or discomfort in your mouth. Teeth will generally be trying to tell you something even if pain comes and goes. Cracks and breaks and infections will not fix themselves and will only get worse, usually at the most inconvenient time for you.

    Infections can escalate quickly and can impact your general health. Please contact us to discuss further if you suspect you have a dental problem. We will always do our best to accommodate you.

  • This is quite a complex question and one that can not be answered without an examination. Our dentists will do everything possible to avoid a tooth having to be removed. Sometimes, however, this is the best course of action. An X-ray and clinical observation of the tooth will be necessary to provide the treatment options available to you.

  • A quote for a filling will vary depending on the size of it, which tooth and type of material that will be necessary, among other clinical factors. A dental examination will be necessary for an exact quote. Pricing ranges between $140-$400.

  • Dental anxiety is very real, and we understand that many patients have had previous experiences that make them apprehensive. We are here to help change this narrative, you have complete control over what occurs in your appointment.

    We can be our own worst critics and expect the outcome to be worse than it may be. Unfortunately, dental problems only worsen without intervention. We provide comprehensive examinations where you are presented with all of the possible treatment options, costs and times so that you can make an informed choice. There are often ways to address key concerns first and stagger your treatment plan according to your schedule and budget. We will support whichever treatment choices you make, the first step is a consultation/examination with our friendly dentist.

    If you would like to bring something with you for comfort, please do so remembering we are in a clinical space. You are also welcome to have a support person with you in the clinic if needed. We welcome headphones if you would like to listen to your favourite podcast or some music during your appointment to distract yourself.

    Please let us know if you are feeling nervous and we will ensure plenty of time to address any fears you have.

  • We treat patients of all ages, and are big advocates for starting a child’s dental experience as a positive one. Often children can be apprehensive about visiting a dentist due to family or friends being fearful, so it is important that children have and create their own stories around dental visits.

    We suggest bringing your children along to the dentist with you, as young as possible but certainly by the age of 2. From around this age they might be interested in a fun ride in the chair or to even have their teeth looked at. This helps to desensitize them to the experience so that they are not fearful in the future.

    We are passionate about education of good dental hygiene and practices. Dental disease is one of the most preventable diseases with good habits. For children, this starts as early as possible to ensure good habits are formed early. Prevention and education lead to less dental issues and reduce risks of decay in childhood.

  • Yes, if you are a member of a health fund you are able to use your card on the day. We have HICAPS which allows for on the spot claims for most health funds. You must have your card or health fund App with you on the day of treatment to be able to claim via HICAPS.

    We cannot store this information and cannot take payments over the phone or in days preceding treatment. If you forget your card, full payment will be required and you are able to submit a claim to your health fund afterwards.

  • We are not currently aligned to any particular health funds however we can accept any health fund with on-the-spot claims via HICAPS.

  • No, only eligible children under the Child Dental Benefit Schedule are covered by Medicare.

  • If you need to change or cancel an appointment with us, no problem. All we ask is that you provide us 48 hours notice. This will prevent any cancellation penalty and also allow us to offer your time to someone who is waiting on our priority list or to someone who needs to be seen for a dental emergency.

    We will always do our best to find you the most suitable appointment to avoid the need to reschedule.

  • Credit Card payments are preferred, we accept all major credit cards.

  • This is not a service we offer, full payment for all treatment is required on the day of your appointment.

  • It is generally recommended to visit the dentist every 6-12months however your dentist will determine your recall based on your personal risk of decay, gum disease or other risk factors.

    Current and up to date research and techniques is something we are very passionate about. Dentistry is an evolving industry. Techniques and products are always changing and it is important to have up to date information regarding your oral health.

    You may book your appointments ahead of time to secure an appointment time that suits you best.

  • The damaging bacteria in your mouth begin causing problems after 12 hours. If you clean every second or third day, this will inevitably over time lead to disease in the gums and teeth.

  • Most of the decay we treat is between the teeth. In the absence of floss, you will leave the bacteria between your teeth to continue to cause disease. Brushing AND flossing daily will ensure ALL tooth surfaces and gums are clear of damaging bacteria/plaque.

  • The health of our teeth and gums impacts many things in our body, including our lungs, heart and even brain. Bacteria from the mouth can travel to other areas in our body, causing infections and changing the way our immune system responds to bad bacteria. Teeth are a vital part in ensuring adequate nutrition is possible to fuel our bodies.

  • Our diet plays a massive part in our oral health. Modern diets are full of processed sugars, preservatives and acids hidden in many foods. When we eat processed sugar, it feeds the bad bacteria in our mouth causing faster destruction of our teeth and gums. Acidic drinks such as soft drinks, sports drinks, soda water, lemon water, apple cider vinegar etc soften the tooth surface and can cause erosion of our enamel.

    Gum health is really important and often forgotten. The gums support the teeth. Unhealthy gums are at risk of gingivitis and gum disease and at worst it will affect the supporting structure for the teeth and teeth can get wobbly. Gums may recede and can be very uncomfortable. It can be smelly and can affect the appearance of your teeth. In almost all cases Gingivitis can be halted and gum disease can be reduced or stopped in its tracks.

  • We will request that your medical history is checked and updated every 12 months, this is a legal requirement for private dental practices.

    Some things seemingly minor can have a big effect on our oral environment and also treatment options available to us. It is important you tell your dentist any changes to your medical history as this can affect the way we provide dental treatment, we endeavor to keep our patients safe through regular medical updates. If you prefer not to write it down you are able to confidentially discuss with your dentist directly.

Clayfield Dental Centre Receptionist with a new patient filling out a form

New Patients

For your first visit to Clayfield Dental we will require you to complete a Medical/Dental History Form. You may request the form when making your appointment if you would like to complete it before the day.

Alternatively we will ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment to complete the new patient form.

Your trusted family dentist

Prioritise your families oral health and wellness